Python Competitive Programming Cheat Sheet

Competitive Programming in Python: 128 Algorithms to Develop Your Coding Skills Free PDF Learn to write DAX: a practical guide to learning Power Pivot for Excel and Power BI Python Machine Learning: The Complete Guide to Understand Python Machine Learning for Beginners and Artificial Intelligence. This chapter will get you up and running with Python, from downloading it to writing simple programs. 1.1 Installing Python Go towww.python.organd download the latest version of Python (version 3.5 as of this writing). It should be painless to install. If you have a Mac or Linux, you may already have Python on your. Python 3 Cheat Sheet This is the best single cheat sheet. It uses every inch of the page to deliver value and covers everything you need to know to go from beginner to intermediate. Topics covered include container types, conversions, modules, math, conditionals, and formatting to name a few. The functionalities discussed have very speci c applications and act like a SHORTCUT or a CHEAT-SHEET in competitive coding. Competitive Programming Python 7.

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PythonServer Side ProgrammingProgramming

Python is one of the preferred languages among coders for most of the competitive programming challenges. Most of the problems are easily computed in a reasonable time frame using python.

For some of the complex problem, writing fast-enough python code is often a challenge. Below are some of the pythonic code constructs that help to improve the performance of your code in competitive coding −

1. Strings concatenation: Do not use the below construct.

Above method gives huge time overhead.Instead, try to use this (join method) −

2. The Map function

Generally, you have an input in competitive coding, something like −


To get them as a list of numbers simply

Always use the input() function irrespective of the type of input and then convert it using the map function.

The map function is one of the beautiful in-built function of python, which comes handy many times. Worth knowing.

3. Collections module

In case we want to remove duplicates from a list. While in other languages like Java you may have to use HashMap or any other freaky way, however, in pytho it's simply


Also, be careful to use extend() and append() in lists, while merging two or more lists.

4. Language constructs

It's better to write your code within functions, although the procedural code is supported in Python.

is much better than

It is faster to store local variables than globals because of the underlying Cpython implementation.

5. Use the standard library:

It’s better to use built-in functions and standard library package as much as possible. There, instead of −

Use this −

Likewise, try to use the itertools(standard library), as they are much faster for a common task. For example, you can have something like permutation for a loop with a few lines of code.

6. Generators

Generators are excellent constructs to reduce both, the memory footprint and the average time complexity of the code you’ve written.


Print a number print(123)
Print a string print('test')
Adding numbers print(1+2)
Variable assignment number = 123
Print a variable print(number)
Function call x = min(1, 2)
Comment # a comment
Python Competitive Programming Cheat Sheet


Integer 42
String 'a string'
List [1, 2, 3]
Tuple (1, 2, 3)
Boolean True

Useful functions

Write to the screen print('hi')
Calculate lengthlen('test')
Minimum of numbersmin(1, 2)
Maximum of numbersmax(1, 2)
Cast to integerint('123')
Cast to stringstr(123)
Cast to booleanbool(1)
Range of numbersrange(5, 10)

Other syntax

Return a value return 123
Indexing 'test'[0]
Slicing 'test'[1:3]
Continue to next loop iteration continue
Exit the loop break
List append numbers = numbers + [4]
List append (with method call) numbers.append(4)
List item extraction value = numbers[0]
List item assignment numbers[0] = 123

Python Cheat Sheet Download


syntax the arrangement of letters and symbols in code
program a series of instructions for the computer
print write text to the screen
string a sequence of letters surrounded by quotes
variable a storage space for values
value examples: a string, an integer, a boolean
assignment using = to put a value into a variable
function a machine you put values into and values come out
call (a function) to run the code of the function
argument the input to a function call
parameter the input to a function definition
return value the value that is sent out of a function
conditional an instruction that's only run if a condition holds
loop a way to repeatedly run instructions
list a type of value that holds other values
tuple like a list, but cannot be changed
indexing extracting one element at a certain position
slicing extracting some elements in a row
dictionary a mapping from keys to values


  • Strings and lists are indexed starting at 0, not 1
  • Print and return are not the same concept
  • The return keyword is only valid inside functions
  • Strings must be surrounded by quotes
  • You cannot put spaces in variable or function names
  • You cannot add strings and integers without casting
  • Consistent indentation matters
  • Use a colon when writing conditionals, function definitions, and loops
  • Descriptive variable names help you understand your code better


Python Competitive Programming Cheat Sheet Pdf


Defining functions




Not equals !=
Less than <
Less than or equal <=
Greater than >

Useful methods

String to lowercase 'xx'.lower()
String to uppercase 'xx'.upper()
Split string by spaces 'a b c'.split(' ')
Remove whitespace around string ' a string '.strip()
Combine strings into one string ' '.join(['a', 'b'])
String starts with 'xx'.startswith('x')
String ends with 'xx'.endswith('x')
List count [1, 2].count(2)
List remove [1, 2].remove(2)
Dictionary keys {1: 2}.keys()
Dictionary values {1: 2}.values()
Dictionary key/value pairs {1: 2}.items()

Other neat bonus stuff

Python Competitive Programming Cheat Sheet Free

Python programming cheat sheet pdf
Zip lists zip([1, 2], ['one', 'two'])
Set my_set = {1, 2, 3}
Set intersection {1, 2} & {2, 3}
Set union {1, 2} | {2, 3}
Index of list element [1, 2, 3].index(2)
Sort a list numbers.sort()
Reverse a list numbers.reverse()
Sum of list sum([1, 2, 3])
Numbering of list elements for i, item in enumerate(items):
Read a file line by line for line in open('file.txt'):
Read file contents contents = open('file.txt').read()
Random number between 1 and 10 import random; x = random.randint(1, 10)
List comprehensions [x+1 for x in numbers]
Check if any condition holds any([True, False])
Check if all conditions hold all([True, False])

Cheat Sheets For Python

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